A Step Closer to Achieving Your Goals in the New Year

Increase your productivity and move closer to reaching your objectives.

Leena S
Change Becomes You


Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

The year is coming to an end.

Some have finalised, and some might still be working on their New Year’s resolutions.

Kurtis Pyke's article caught my attention and I could not help but reflect on it on a professional and personal level.

Hope this is helpful!

This quote by Michelangelo that he shares had me hooked on this article.

Michelangelo was frequently asked, “How did you make it?

He was reported to have replied, “It’s easy. You just chip away the stone that doesn’t look like David”

It might sound like a cheeky response, but it certainly has a more profound understanding.

Following are some points from the article, my reflections and what I use in addition to this.

MIT – Most Important Tasks

An important question that Kurtis brings to our attention is:

What can I do today to make the biggest impact in achieving my goal?”

If you are already on your path to removing all things in your life that do not let you get closer to achieving your goal, you also need to keep an eye out for things that could add value to the process of getting closer to your objectives.

Build good habits

The understanding that I take away from the third secret shared in the article is that you should build good habits now and not leave them for later.

If your goal is to become a better home cook for your family, start small and cook daily for yourself and your family from today.

Using a got-done list

I use this in my professional life, and I have found great help in this process.

Your job might need you to have a to-do list; however, having a Done! list is as much beneficial.

There have been times when I had look back to remind myself that a certain task was completed so I could action the next one.

I extensively use MS Excel to track my to-do and Done! tasks. I also use Google Spreadsheets for personal and family tasks.

Take it easy on yourself

You cannot do everything, but you can definitely achieve a few things if you are focused.


Self-talk is sometimes a good thing. You can have a meaningful conversation with yourself in your head without having to let anyone notice.

Change the way you talk to yourself

Instead of questioning and doubting your ability to achieve your goals, ask yourself how you can achieve them.

Name the days of the week.

Tim Denning calls them writing days and says he will not swap them for anything else in the world. You can read about it here.

You can think of how the trainers have themes for each day of the week to help you achieve your fitness goals… leg day, cardio, cheat day (my favourite), rest (my second favourite).

I still need to implement this in my personal and professional life as I see great value in this concept.

No to Meetings

I agree with the point that he shares in his article. Undoubtedly, some meetings could easily be an email; however, when solving complex problems, design thinking can benefit the team and the company.

Final thoughts

Hope this is helpful to you not only as you start a new year but whenever you are ready to take your first step towards achieving your goals.

Thank you for reading!



Leena S
Change Becomes You

Self-improvement | Productivity | Religion | Parenting | Family