Is Making $100,000 in a Year a Dream or Reality?

Leena S
Change Becomes You
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2023


Friends or just business?

Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

I recently read an article where a blogger shared his point of view on how they have signed up for Tim Denning’s email list but will never purchase the product or service he is offering because of how he pitches his sales in his emails and makes people believe that they are 12 months away from $100,000 in the bank.

I must admit, I am one of those who do not like such sales pitches either.

What is Email Marketing and Sales Pitches

Businesses use emails to reach their audience and convince them to purchase their product.

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They have honed the art of making a concrete first impression.

Companies reach out by telling their story. They tell you how they were in the same situation as you are and how they made their way to success. They try to convince you that by using the same method, they can help you reach the same success as them after you purchase the product and follow the road map they design for you.

Email marketing has proved to be a cost-effective way for companies to get a larger reach to deliver their message.

For every $1 spent, the average ROI is $38.

Is email marketing beneficial for everyone?

I have subscribed to newsletters of several businesses that spike my interest. Some inspire me to write and do better in my work and personal life; some provide me with a deeper understanding of life and my faith, while others trigger critical thinking.

However, I do not purchase or cave into buying their products as I am not entirely sold on the idea that their product can help me, and I am not necessarily seeking help but rather inspiration.

On the other hand, some people find it exciting and beneficial and make informed decisions to purchase such products and get the life they seek.

However, I cannot help but think of the others who might not be in the right state of mind to make an informed decision and sign up for such programs or purchase products only to be disappointed in the short or long run.

Final thoughts

It is human nature to flatter the person you meet before you can pitch them your idea.

This happens in daily life as well. Children with parents and vice versa when we want things done our way. Emotions play a significant role.

Businesses can tap into these human emotions without any restrictions. Such businesses have made tremendous profits by working off people’s pain points. Vague promises by businesses have been a norm, especially in the ‘get-rich-quicker’ industry and it lies with the individual to make the choice that they think fits best for their situation in the present and for the long run.



Leena S
Change Becomes You

Self-improvement | Productivity | Religion | Parenting | Family